Mark Bery wrote about cultural jamming in his article for the New York Times;
‘media hacking, information warfare, terror-art and guerrilla semiotics all in one. Billboard bandits, pirate TV, radio broadcasters and other vernacular media wrenchers who intrude on the intruders, investing ads, newscasts and other media artifacts with subversive meaning are all cultural jammers’
In other words, cultural jamming is about parodies, lying and recreate; Fake ads, fake newspaper articles, pastiche– shocking, surprising, unexpected or provocative.
Culture jams are often used to expose questionable political assumtion behind comercial culture, and if suuccesful, it will cause damage to blind belief. This recreated ad for Nike is an example of such cultural jamming;

This ad describes the working conditions at the Nike factory in indonesia, and encourage you to think globally before you decide it's so cool to wear Nike - or not wear it at all.
Another culturejams can be created simply for the sake of attention, like the famous 'balloon boy'. On the 15. October 2009, the parents of Falcon Heene claimed that their hellium ballon was sent a drift - with their son in it. A massive search, following the balloon for several miles ended about 2 hours later, finding the boy hiding in his own house - where he had been the whole time. Eventually the truth came out, and both Falcons parents admitted their little 'prank'. Charged for attempting to influence a public, he boys father, Richard Heene, was sent 90 days in jail, and had to pay $36,000 in restitution.
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