Hello Elmo
Friday, October 22, 2010
Essay - assessment item 3
This essay will scrutinize how mobile devices and new technology such as the internet are an aid to the gathering and reporting of information, both by professional journalist and “citizen journalists”. In order to do so, I will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of this sort of newsgathering and reporting, and reflect on how this impact journalistic practices, news value and ethics.
Living in the twentieth century, popularly called the ‘digital age’, we are witnessing a unique and still going revolution in the field of information and communication technologies. The internet, with its tremendous impact on the economic and social relations of the world, has entered almost every field of our everyday lives. By day after day the internet is gradually breaking the barriers of space and time. Such new technology opens for a stream of possibilities in the world of journalism, providing journalists with the most important tool since the telephone (Chakravarthy, 2003.).
With its instant growing and largely free access to millions of data sources around the world, the internet is clearly a helpful tool for journalist or normal citizens in the search for information. With the high tech mobile phones and wireless internet, we always have access to ‘the world’, wherever and whenever, and more importantly the technology of new media makes the news gathering and production more efficient, faster and cost effective. We see, we capture, and we inform (Chakravarthy, 2003, p. 153). Further, the invention of high tech mobiles with internet access is not only an advantage for journalists. Chakravarthy (2003, p. 171) suggests that “The internet is many things to many people. It is a voice for many who for too long did not have the means to express themselves, because earlier communication media have been controlled by the few”. In other words, the ordinary individuals can now communicate and express themselves in ways earlier only permitted educated journalists. It has opened for a two-way communication, interactivity, where there is room for the audience to interact, control and critique the media. Potentially the internet has put everyone on the planet into the media business (Bowman and Willis, 2005)
After the burst of the dot-com bubble, we have experienced a change in technology and attitude that have created a relationship between journalists and their consumers that did not exist in the days of printed press. Whilst the newspapers in its beginning was the providers of news and the audience consumers, the audience is now an active, important participant in the creation and broadcasting of information, with or without the help of the mainstream media (Kennedy and Moen, 2007). Armed with web publishing tools, always on-connections, Iphones and similar powerful digital mobile devices, the ‘citizen media’ has in earnest entered the media sphere. With blogs, grass-root reporting, videos, and photos the citizen journalists are watch-dogging, filtering adding and editing the mass of information online (Bowel and Willis, 2005).
Even though citizen journalists often are a great help in the media sphere, there are some disadvantages. From the very beginning journalists have functioned as ‘gatekeepers’. Carefully they select, interpret and present the news and the information they provide people. In these digital days, whare anyone can publish news and find whatever information they are looking for, journalists are forced to share the gatekeeper role with the rest of the public (Kitty, 2005), (Burns, 2005)
In order to get something, you need information. In order to understand something or to make a decision we need information, which hopefully is accurate, relevant, timely and truthful. This is where this ‘new’ media sphere faces their biggest challenge; online news sites have been challenged for being less critical of their sources, not checking facts, being less objective. The online sites and sources are endless and varied, and so is their newsworthiness. There are numerous websites discussing the secret identities of superheros, and other oddities. Bad information is everywhere (Kitty, 2005). Conventional media is supposed to have checks and balances, thus is free content have been every journalist nightmare; with anyone being able to report, how can we ever trust our sources. News consumers want, and needs filtering. The gate keeping is supposed prevent bad information from being published, and make sure to cover the truth. Whilst newspapers generally do a good job at this requirement, the online media do not provide enough specific, newsworthy, trustworthy information (Chakravarthy, 2003), (Goode, 2009).
In addition, since the new technologies tend to crate an open global ‘community’ for free speech, there will be pressure from one direction on the rest of the world to adopt this notion of free speech. Freedom of expression is one of the challenges concerning filter and protect the public (especially children) against inappropriate messages (Chakravarthy, 2003). Last, but not least citizen journalism will surely face a great ethical challenge in the future. The speed and anonymity provided by the internet can play undiscovered with the journalist ethics.
In conclusion the citizen journalism stands to dramatically alter the role of the traditional and educated journalist and editor. New communications technologies are available for anyone, anywhere and can provide voice to people that have over long time been ignored. Still, journalism goes where its audience cannot and will not go, and will continue to be the most trustworthy accurate source of information. (Kennedy and Moen, 2007) Just like you can not give anyone a scalpel and call him a surgeon, you can not give anyone an Iphone and call him a journalist.
Kennedy, Moen 2007a. What is good journalism? How reporters and editors are saving America’s way of life, University of Missouri Press, Columbia, USA.
George Kennedy, Daryl Moen 2007a, Stuart Loory 2007b.How to get the journalism you deserve, University of Missouri Press, Columbia, USA.
Alexandra Kitty, 2005. Don’t believe it! How lies become news. The Disinformation Company LTD, NY.
Alex Bruns, 2005 vol 26. Gatewatching- collaborative online news production. Peter Lang, NY.
Jagadish Chakravarthy, 2003.Cybermedia Journalism- emerging technologies. Authopress, Dehli, India.
Stuart Allan, Einar Thorsen, 2009. Citizen journalism Global Perspective. Peter Lang, NY.
Luke Goode, 2009. Social news, citizen journalism and democracy. New Media Society 2009 11: 1287 originally published online 24 November 2009.
Reyhan Harmanci, 2008. Citizen journalism carriers unique pitfalls. San Francisco Chronicle (10/1/2007 to present), 05/10/2008, pA7, 0p
Jim Hall, 2001. Online Journalism, a critical primer. Paperback, P: 266, ISBN:074531192x
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Notes and Tutespark week 6
We started out by once again defining technology which the lecturer defined as; “the scientific study of mechanical arts and their application to the world”, which includes physical objects and the knowledge of their function.
When we talk about media we talk about technology used as a medium for communication.
When studying media, and social media, we often study the two terms. First, ‘virtual community’; a group of people who communicate via the internet (social network sites, chat, blogs etc), and second ‘Individual Identity’; how people try to express who they are via the internet (personal profiles, Myspace, Facebook, blogs etc).
Both of the above terms include the creation of an ideal self, and to communicate with whomever you want, also people you normally (in real life) wouldn’t communicate with. Whereas focus earlier was on creating networks with people of same interest, or with things in common with you, the focus is now on you; you as a individual is the common thread.
Whilst the web as we first new it was a ‘read-only-web’, people can now contribute and be a part of the creation of the web. In other words, we are no longer only consumers but also partly creators.
With this in mind the tutespark this week asks us..
- Who owns the content you put on the internet on various sites?
- The content on a social networking site - do you own it?
- Who has the right to use your creations?
The following statement is taken directly from FB's right and responsibilities site:
Sharing Your Content and Information
You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook, and you can control how we share your content through your privacy and application settings. In order for us to use certain types of content and provide you with Facebook, you agree to the following:
1.For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos (”IP content”), you specifically give us the following permission, subject to your privacy and application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook (”IP License”).
2.This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account (except to the extent your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it). When you delete IP content, it is deleted in a manner similar to emptying the recycle bin on a computer. However, you understand that removed content may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time (but will not be available to others).
We always appreciate your feedback or other suggestions about Facebook, but you understand that we may use them without any obligation to compensate you for them (just as you have no obligation to offer them)
In other words, the content you choose to put on facebook is all your, however, facebook or others have full rights of using this content as long as their still online, and you havent deleted them or your account. With tags and shared albums, this is basically impossible for you to controll.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Week 5 Spark
Mark Bery wrote about cultural jamming in his article for the New York Times;
‘media hacking, information warfare, terror-art and guerrilla semiotics all in one. Billboard bandits, pirate TV, radio broadcasters and other vernacular media wrenchers who intrude on the intruders, investing ads, newscasts and other media artifacts with subversive meaning are all cultural jammers’
In other words, cultural jamming is about parodies, lying and recreate; Fake ads, fake newspaper articles, pastiche– shocking, surprising, unexpected or provocative.
Culture jams are often used to expose questionable political assumtion behind comercial culture, and if suuccesful, it will cause damage to blind belief. This recreated ad for Nike is an example of such cultural jamming;

This ad describes the working conditions at the Nike factory in indonesia, and encourage you to think globally before you decide it's so cool to wear Nike - or not wear it at all.
Another culturejams can be created simply for the sake of attention, like the famous 'balloon boy'. On the 15. October 2009, the parents of Falcon Heene claimed that their hellium ballon was sent a drift - with their son in it. A massive search, following the balloon for several miles ended about 2 hours later, finding the boy hiding in his own house - where he had been the whole time. Eventually the truth came out, and both Falcons parents admitted their little 'prank'. Charged for attempting to influence a public, he boys father, Richard Heene, was sent 90 days in jail, and had to pay $36,000 in restitution.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Week 5 Tutetask
So this week we were asked to produce culturejam ourselves..
After a lot of thinking we came up with the idea of crating a report about an ongoing campaign here at Griffith uni.
It all started with Body Shops Campaign ' Dugs, Kids, Guns: sold on a street corner near you'. With awareness activities and fundraising, Griffith University Gold Coast and their students have jumped on the charity bandwagon, raising their voice against child labor.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Week 3 Lecture Notes
First thing first; the computer...
Analogue technology conveys data as electronic signals of varying frequency or amplitude that are added to carrier waves of a given frequency. An analogue signal can be represented as a series of sine waves.

The second device I thought of was Morse codes (Telegraph), which also is used to send signals (a coded message) and communicate over a distance.

Week 4 Lecture Notes and Spark
This week we talked about digital technology and its impact upon filmmaking. Even though the web offers few benefits for the art and craft of filmmaking, the web allows filmmakers to publish and express their vision to a tolerant and wide audience; the ‘population of the web’. Cheap technology allows easier and more accessible production. However, the level of quality is no longer the same; poorly made and no meaning what so ever-films dominates the web, whereas most of them won’t ever get seen. Even though availability is a good thing and the fact that any up and coming filmmaker can get their chance on the web is a good thing, with all its badly written, badly shot and badly produced films, the web sort of takes the ‘fame from the game’; on the web anyone can call themselves a ‘filmmaker
1.Where and when did usable online video start? (provide some refs. and an example if possible)
Usable online video was created by the web’s first online video sharing company ShareYourWorld, funded by Chase Norlin.
2. In the lecture we heard about technological innovations that were used by the studios to lure audiences. (mostly to combat the popularity of TV)
Even though it’s far from a new invention (it’s been around since 1952), 3D (with provided 3Dglases!!) seems to be a popular way of luring the audience out of their chair and to the cinemas.
3. Are short films still being made? Why? Who pays for them to be made?
Even though it’s doubtful that shortfilms will find their way back to the commercial cinema, shortfilms are still being made. In fact it has never been easier and cheaper to make and distribute shortfilms; with the internet, YouTube and video streaming the shortfilm is far from dead. The production of shortfilms are either funded by the filmmakers themselves or sites and funds such as www.virginmediashorts.com, a website supporting up and coming film talents, ran by executive director of digital entertainment at Virgin Media, Cindy Rose.
4.The term viral is thrown about adhoc but what does it mean in film/movie arena? Give some examples.
A viral video, is a video that become popular trough internet sharing, for example a youtube clip such as ‘Christian the lion’
Week 4 Tutespark
To find the shortfilms I surfed the website www. atom.com, a site dedicated to shortfilmmakers, producing films for the web.
First film I found was a film calles 'Fantasy Footbal Holdout' ;
After a record setting breakout year, it's possibly no surprise that a star performer might be a holdout going into the new NFL season. But when it's Dave holding out on the Turf Bangers Fantasy Football league? That's a little surprising.
I found the film bizarre but funny, and with it's already over 20.000 views since August 2010, I reckon it's a quite popular shortfilm.
The next film i found was ' Boys will be girls: Night out', where they follow a group of boys and a group of girls on a typicall night out, but where the roles are changed. Whilst the girls are farting and playing poker, the boys are beeing dramatic and emotional over a round of cosmopolitans. So true, so hilarious.
The last film I wanted to share with you is the worlds first edited short film made with an Iphone 4. Not too much to say about this film, other than i'm impressed by the quality of Iphone 4's technology.
World's First Short Film Made with iPhone 4 from garrettmurray on Vimeo.